Thomas & Friends Fanfic Wiki

The Special Eds halls was a mess! Papers were on the floor, several lockers has been rusted off, broken wood were about everywhere, and even a lonely big sofa even have been chewed up.

"This is more worse than the vampire movie we saw last night," said Oliver nervously. "This hallway is messy!"

Edward looked down at the floor and exmanied a paper that was on the floor. It read 'Beware of the Secert Locker Room or you'll be swamped by the wizard.' Edward's eyes were huge as he read the paper.

"G-g-guys," he stammered. "I think we have an answer."

James shook his head. "No we don't, Edward. We don't have an answer yet."

Emily nodded. "What Edward is saying is that we have an answer to who the 'someone' is, not the entire mystery."

"So....... who is it?" asked Duck, his eyebrows raised.

"It's......." Edward gulped. "Rickety."

"Rickety!?" Thomas exclaimed. "That Diesel is a klutz. It couldn't possibly be him, could it?"

Edward nodded. "According to this paper, that's who Diesel was talking about earlier. So now," he conutined. "we have part of the mystery solved. But now we have bigger issues." He glanced over at the clock above the lockers. "It's almost one-o'clock! We have to get ready for math now! But how do we get out?"

"Get Out!" came a voice.

Then the Phantom appeard.

"leave mine and my Lady's home!" he exclaimed.

"Says who" sniffed Rosie.

"Your going to regret that!" he snapped.

Papers started flying, and rocks lifted off the ground.

"Feel thy rath!" he yelled.

Percy noticed some stairs on the right side at the end of the hallway. "Look!" he cried. "There are some stairs on the right side at the end! I bet that's where we'll get to the first locker room, let's go!"

So they ran to the end of the hallway (being careful of the wood on the floor and in the way) and dodging flying rocks, charged up the right side of the stairs and were realived when they found the first locker room.

"And now class, we move the second decimal to the right, then add up the ones first and..... " Ms. Marsh, their math teacher, was in the middle of teaching when she saw the Steam Team moaning and groaned. "Excuse me, but I believe the rule is: No talking while the teacher is talking. That goes for groans too!"

"But Ms. Marsh, we - " James began, but the teacher cut him off.

"There will be no buts in the classroom, Mister Hughes. There will be plenty of moaning and groaning once this period is over." Then Ms. Marsh kept on teaching.

Edward, on the other hand, had stopping groaning and was writing a note on a blank sheet of notebook paper. He passed it to Henry, who was next to him. Henry unfolded it and shook his head.

Why? he wrote and then passed it to Edward. Edward wrote in reply: Because I think we have another suspect. We'll have to disscuss it by the oak tree after school. Groaning about it isn't going to help us get out of class. He passed it to Henry again and he wrote: Okay.

"Please do ten problems on page 101, class." Ms. Marsh said. "You must finish them by the end of this period."

"That's just great," Duck grumbled under his berth.

"What did you say, Mister. Collet B.?" Ms. Marsh asked sternly. Her bushy eyebrows raised and her blue eyes flashed.

"I didn't say a word," Duck replied. "I was just getting my math book out of my desk."

Ms. Marsh seemed more calm. "Very well then, class, as soon as you found the page, get to work!" She then returned to her desk.

The only one who is not working is Edward. He had his mind about the paper, and the pink note, and about the suspect.

"Mister Pettigrew, why aren't you working on the problems?" Ms. Marsh asked. "And what is that in your hand?"

Edward stared at the teacher and began searching for his math book. "I was just getting my notebook and this paper in my hand was just a piece of trash. I'll throw it away when this period is over."

Ms. Marsh looked safatified and Edward began working on the problems in his notebook.

After class.

"What should we do know?" asked Emily.

"Find out who this Lady Stone is, for starters" said Edward.

"And why she is so important" said Gordon.

"Did you say Lady Stone?" came a voice.

A teacher named Molly Hollden came up.

"Oh, Hello teach" said Duck.

"Can you tell us about a girl name Lady Stone?" asked James.

"Sure, Lady Stone was a student that arrived at the school in January of 1977, she was an 10th grader, one day she met Mays and those two knew they were meant to be" said Molly.

"What happened?" asked Rosie.

"The next year in 1978, students bullied Mays for hanging around Lady, and one student was the worst to him" Continued Molly.

"Who?" asked Percy.

"He was the leader of the trucks at the time, and his name was Rickety" said Molly.

They gasped.

"On September 27, Rickety pushed Mays to far, and by the next day the hall caught fire, when the fire was put out all the students but Mays was safe, Lady was heart broken by not being able to find Mays who she loved so much" said Molly sadly.

"Wow" said Rosie.

"Lady would be very upset even after she graduated in 1980, but in 1982 his spirit has since haunted the school" said Molly.

"He does not look to be one" said Emily.

"What do you mean?" asked Molly.

So they told her all about what has happened so far.

"Dear Me" said Molly.

"I think why he is around is to have Lady back with him" said Oliver.

"That makes sense," said Gordon thoughtfully. "This may be a good clue with the secret."

"Secret?" asked Molly curiously.

"This morning, I found a pink card on the floor and we were trying to figure out the mystery of the secret locker room," Duck explained. "It's our first mystery we have on the first day of school. We have only one month solving the mystery before that Phantom haunts the school and we're only sixth-graders."

Molly winked. "Well, I happen to enjoy mysteries myself, and I got permission from Sir Topham Hatt to use my old classroom as a MYSTERIES classroom. I'm going to start a form those of you willing to join. Is anyone interested?"

The whole Steam Team (plus Oliver and Rosie) raised their hands.

"Wonderful!" Molly exclaimed happily. "My class will begin at 2:30-3:30. As soon as I print out some forms, I'll hand them to your reading teacher."

"Thanks Molly," said Edward kindly. He turned towards the others. "Come on guys, we'd better get ready for reading class."

"See you soon guys," Molly said kindly, as the others began to walk away.

"'Mr. Horror,asked Mr. Drew.Where did you leave your coffee?'" Ms. Young's reading class was beginning to read a novel called MR.DREW, BOY DECTIVITE.

Gordon was looking eagerly at the clock. "Another fifteen more minutes," he whispered excitedly. "I can't wait."

Ms. Young stopped reading and looked at Gordon. "Gordon, is everything okay?"

"Yes," he replied. "I was just.......waiting to go home."

Ms. Young smiled. "Just be patient, okay? We only have another half-hour before we have to go home."

Edward turned back around and smiled. He knew Gordon was excited about signing the form. Then the lights went out.

"Who did that!" exclaimed Molly, who was staying by the doorway.

Then the lights came back on.

"Must of been a power outage" said Duck.

Soon school was out.

"Molly, you would not happen to know were Lady lives' now do you?" asked Edward.

Molly smirked.

"I do" she said.

So she wrote down the address.

"Thank you" said Edward.

As they left the school grounds.

"lady's address is only two blocks away from here" said Edward looking at the paper.

"And why are we going there?" Asked Rosie.

"To see if we can talk her into meeting the Phantom" said Edward.

"Why?" asked Rosie.

"So we can once and for all find out if it is really Mays who is the Phantom or not" said Edward.

So they set off, soon they arrived, went to the door and knocked. After a few minutes a woman answered.

"Who are you, kids?" asked the Woman.

So they introduced them self's.

"Are you Lady Stone?" asked Edward.

"Yes, that's me" said Lady.

They told her what has been going on at the school.

"My Mays could still be alive!" she exclaimed.

Tears started to form in her eyes.

"That's why were hoping you can help us out in this mystery" said Edward.

"Sure" she said nearly crying.

"Don't cry Lady," said James kindly. "We'll help you find Mays." He handed her a tissue from his jeans pocket.

"Thank you James," Lady said politely. She dabbed her eyes with a napkin. "Now that's better. So, where can we begin looking?"

"We should start from the beginning," said Toby. "That why we'll get half of our clues and figure out the other half."

"Good thinking little Toby," agreed Gordon. "Duck said he has found a pink card on his way to breakfast this morning. Only the problem is, our principal has probably locked the school door. So, how are we suppose to get in?"

"I have a key," Lady replied. "What school do you guys go to?"

"The school's called Sodor-Preschool-Elementary-Middle-High School," replied Edward. "Two inches from the flagpole is the sign that says the school's name."

"It's the same school we've been going since we were little," James added, with a smirk.

Emily glared at him. "We've shouldn't be giving out personal information to strangers like that!" she scolded.

"That's enough Emily," Gordon shook his head, then he turned to Lady. "I'm so sorry about that Lady."

Lady began to chuckle. "That's alright Gordon, I don't mind."

So they set off, soon they were at the school.

"Things have changed since i graduated here" said Lady.

So Lady used here key to unlock the front door.

"Now that were in, where should we go?" asked Rosie.

"The old Special ed hall" said Gordon.

Lady Shiverd. Soon they arrived.

"How do we get in?" asked Henry.

Gordon then ran at the door and blew it open.

"Problem solved" smirked Gordon.

So they went in.

"Well" said Lady.

She was shocked to see the damage.

""Oh, Phantom!" shouted Rosie.

Then a voice rang out.

"What are you doing back here!" came the reply.

Then the Phantom appeard.

"Did i not say to get....." he said before stoping.

"Mays is that you" said Lady.
