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It's Only Snow
Season 6, Episode 37
Air date December 25th, 2001
Written by Stephen Patton and ElmoRudy55
Directed by Stephen Patton and ElmoRudy55
Episode guide
Percy's Promise
Signal Failure

“Big, horrid, awkward thing!”

―Thomas grumbling about his snowplow

It's Only Snow is the thirty-seventh episode of the sixth series.


It is winter on the Island of Sodor. The engines do not mind the weather because they love this time of the year, especially when the stations look festive due to the decorations. There is plenty of work with passengers and parcels to be delivered, no matter the weather. At Tidmouth Station, Henry tells the other engines that his driver said that there is more snow on the way. James, in an angry mood, says that they will soon be wearing their snowploughs, and Rosie arrives and asks Thomas if he will be enjoying it. Thomas, also in an angry mood, tells them that he never will like it because he hates wearing his snowplough. He remembers the time he asked Lady to used his snowplough and hauled the trucks on his own before she got an accident.

That night, the wind is blowing and the snow is falling heavily. In the morning, Thomas has to take a Christmas Tree to the village with Toby, and is very angry when he has to wear his old snowplough. Sir Topham Hatt assures him that everyone needs to wear a snowplough during the winter. On the way to the village, Thomas' snowplough runs into a rock on the track. It flies off to the side, and destroys a water tower. Thomas' driver does not think they can continue, but Thomas is determined to reach the station. He pushes the snow away as hard as he can, and soon reaches the village. The villagers are very pleased with their tree.

The following morning, Sir Topham Hatt praises Thomas' bravery taking on the snow without a snowplough, and because no other snowploughs are available, Thomas is told he will have to work without a snowplough for a while, leaving him feeling very proud.




  • Stock footage from A Friend in Need is used.
  • The working title for this episode may have been Trouble for Thomas (the US title for Thomas and the Trucks), as this was the title used in the annual adaptation of the story in 2004 and the book adaptation of the story in 2007.
  • This episode never aired in the US, but it is only on Thomas' Snowy Surprise DVD and VHS in October 2003.
  • This episode aired in AUS on Halloween 2002.
  • The location where Thomas collected the Christmas tree was originally Knapford Harbour. Additionally, Lady's role of telling Thomas about the tree was originally going to be for Percy. The scene of Thomas collecting the tree from Knapford Harbour was seen in the song, Winter Wonderland. This version was kept in the 2004 annual adaptation of the story.
  • This is the only episode of a few things:
    • The only sixth season episode written by James Mason, but also his first episode before writing The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop for the seventh season.
    • The only time to date Thomas has been shown wearing a snowplough other than his blue one.
    • The only appearance of Ballahoo station in the television series to date, however the town appears in Day of the Diesels, nine years later.
  • Three posters at Tidmouth read Allicia Botti in concert tonight at the castle.
  • This episode marks the first of two things:
    • The first appearance of Tidmouth Station since the third season episode, Oliver Owns Up.
    • The first episode to use the term "winter holidays," a term that would later get criticised by Hilary Fortnam.
    • The first episode themed around Christmas since the third series episode, Post Early for Christmas.


Henry: Driver says there's more snow on the way.
James: We'll soon be wearing our snowploughs.
Rosie: You'll enjoy that, won't you, Thomas?
Thomas: You know I won't. I don't like my own snowplough!

Thomas: [mutters about his old snowplough] Big, horrid, awkward thing.


<< Series 5 Series 6 Series 7 >>

#01 Splodge #10 A Breakthrough Discovery #19 Scaredy Engines #28 Percy’s Chocolate Crunch #37 Duke the Proud Engine #46 Liz's Chocolate Bunnies #55 Diesel 10 Does it All
#02 Lady Returns #11 A Smooth Ride #20 Percy and the Haunted Mine #29 Buffer Bother #38 Percy's Promise #47 Alfred's Important Passenger #56 Thomas and the Devious Diesel 10
#03 Salty's Secret #12 Cottage Fire #21 Engines and Egos #30 Toby Had a Little Lamb #39 It's Only Snow #48 Thomas and the Swan
#04 Harvey to the Rescue #13 Overhaul #22 Bear Meets His Match #31 Thomas, Percy and the Squeak #40 Signal Failure #49 Henry and the Elephant
#05 No Sleep for Cranky #14 Henry Sees Red #23 A Most Pompous Big City Engine #32 Thomas the Jet Engine #41 Rosie is Red #50 Impatient Crovan
#06 A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter #15 Thomas, Lady and the Snowplough #24 Deep Water #33 Edward the Very Useful Engine #42 The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor #51 The Fogman
#07 Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry #16 The World's Strongest Engine #25 James and the Red Balloon #34 Dunkin Duncan #43 A Shed for Bear #52 Funded
#08 Jack Jumps In #17 Twin Trouble #26 Jack Frost #35 Rusty Saves the Day #44 Crovan the Private Engine #53 The Collapsing Bridge
#09 A Friend in Need #18 Percy and the Birthday Mail #27 Gordon Takes a Tumble #36 Faulty Whistles #45 Cranky Crovan #54 The Ugly Diesel