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“That's loud!"
"It gives me a boiler ache!”
―Emily and Crovan's reactions to the foghorn

The Fogman is the forty-seventh episode of the sixth series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book, Crovan The Private Engine.


Misty Valley lies along Emily’s branch line, which is often very misty. This is why Cyril, a friendly fog signalman who lives in Misty Valley, earns his keep by putting detonators on the rails to warn the engines of fog and landslides. Emily enjoys seeing Cyril, and puffing over the blasting caps due to that they make her axles tingle. That evening, the Fat Controller visits the engines at Callan Sheds to tell them that he has acquired an electric foghorn. He also says that Cyril will not be needed anymore, and will be given a much needed rest. None of the engines are impressed and Emily is very disappointed to hear this. The foghorn is put on the hillside in Misty Valley.

While Crovan is puffing through Misty Valley the following day, the foghorn is sounded. Ironically, after Crovan is out of sight, the vibrations from the foghorn create a landslide, which sweeps onto the track and destroys the horn in the process. Emily comes along, and as the horn is not working, Emily has no idea about the landslide and derails. Then Donald and Douglas come along. There is no way of stopping them until Cyril comes to the rescue. He puts down a cap to warn them, just in the nick of time. Once the mess is cleared up, Cyril is reinstated as Misty Valley's fogman.




  • This marks the only time that Cyril is referred to by name until the twenty-second series episode, Samson and the Fireworks.


  • Crovan: UK: Oh, bother! / US: Jeepers! That foghorn is so loud it rattles my dome! And it doesn't even make my axles tingle.


<< Series 5 Series 6 Series 7 >>

#01 Splodge #10 A Breakthrough Discovery #19 Scaredy Engines #28 Percy’s Chocolate Crunch #37 Duke the Proud Engine #46 Liz's Chocolate Bunnies #55 Diesel 10 Does it All
#02 Lady Returns #11 A Smooth Ride #20 Percy and the Haunted Mine #29 Buffer Bother #38 Percy's Promise #47 Alfred's Important Passenger #56 Thomas and the Devious Diesel 10
#03 Salty's Secret #12 Cottage Fire #21 Engines and Egos #30 Toby Had a Little Lamb #39 It's Only Snow #48 Thomas and the Swan
#04 Harvey to the Rescue #13 Overhaul #22 Bear Meets His Match #31 Thomas, Percy and the Squeak #40 Signal Failure #49 Henry and the Elephant
#05 No Sleep for Cranky #14 Henry Sees Red #23 A Most Pompous Big City Engine #32 Thomas the Jet Engine #41 Rosie is Red #50 Impatient Crovan
#06 A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter #15 Thomas, Lady and the Snowplough #24 Deep Water #33 Edward the Very Useful Engine #42 The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor #51 The Fogman
#07 Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry #16 The World's Strongest Engine #25 James and the Red Balloon #34 Dunkin Duncan #43 A Shed for Bear #52 Funded
#08 Jack Jumps In #17 Twin Trouble #26 Jack Frost #35 Rusty Saves the Day #44 Crovan the Private Engine #53 The Collapsing Bridge
#09 A Friend in Need #18 Percy and the Birthday Mail #27 Gordon Takes a Tumble #36 Faulty Whistles #45 Cranky Crovan #54 The Ugly Diesel