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Thomas & Friends Fanfic Wiki

Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor is a 2027 theatrical film. It is a re-written version of Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor from 2017, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original special. It was released on Paramount+ on 25 August 2027 worldwide, coincidentally, on the original special's theatrical premiere in the UK 10 years ago.


When Toad, Oliver’s loyal brakevan, is mistakenly taken far from Sodor, Oliver embarks on a daring journey to the unfamiliar Mainland to bring him back. Along the way, Oliver discovers new challenges and forms unexpected connections as he navigates unfamiliar territories. Meanwhile, Thomas and his friends, led by The Fat Controller, band together to assist in the search for the inseparable pair. With determination, teamwork, and a touch of courage, Oliver and his friends prove that even the longest journeys are worth taking when it’s for those you care about.


Duck and Oliver are doing their usual duties on the Little Western. They take great pride in their branchline. One day, Oliver is taking a goods train (consisting of steel, oil tankers, trucks and vans) to Vicarstown. Oliver starts to go a bit faster than usual, but Toad gently reminds him to slow down because of the speed limit. Oliver reluctantly slows down, but tells Toad honestly that sometimes he can be a bit of a downer. They then arrive at Vicarstown Station. Oliver then gazes at the Vicarstown Bridge, disturbing thoughts in his mind. Thomas is on the platform next to Oliver, then asks him what fun it would be to go on the Mainland and see the world. Oliver lashes out, with a firm no. Thomas then asks Oliver if he's OK. Oliver apologises for lashing out at Thomas, and proceeds to tell him that the Mainland brings back not-so-good memories for him. Thomas then reminds him of the Great Railway Show. Oliver then exposes the truth about the Mainland, saying that when the cameras are turned off, that he wouldn't want to go there. Thomas then says bye to Oliver, and leaves. Oliver then drops off his trucks at Vicarstown Yard. Toad asks if Oliver's OK and that if he could come with him. Oliver says he's fine and rejects Toad's offer. Just then, a workman comes by and tells Oliver that Charlie's broken down and that Oliver needs to collect his coaches. Oliver then goes to pick up Charlie's coaches. After he leaves, Toad is starting to doze off and tries not to fall asleep, but ends up doing so. Oliver is then seen pulling Charlie's coaches. He then has a flashback where a diesel from the Mainland had caught him and was shunting him to the scrapyard. Oliver shudders and thought about never going back to the Mainland ever again. We then cut back to Vicarstown Yard, where Sidney has just arrived. Rosie then tells him he needs to take a goods train (the one that Oliver took) to Bridlington Goods Yard, on the Mainland. She also tells Sidney that Toad is still coupled to that train, and reminds him to switch Toad with another brakevan. Sidney then comes up with a rhyme to make sure he doesn't forget to swap Toad. But, as there were a lot of safety checks due to the oil tankers being flammable, Sidney ended up forgetting. He remembered to take his goods train to Bridlington, but forgot to swap out Toad. Toad, still sleeping and coupled to the goods train, was unaware of the adventure he was about to go through.

Meanwhile, Oliver had just arrived at Knapford Station. Edward, Gordon, James and Harvey were just sitting by the platforms. Then, BoCo had arrived. He had just come back from the Mainland, pulling a large goods train. They all greet BoCo with a good morning. BoCo is exhausted after his long journey. James snorts at that, and claims that he could handle that journey easily. Harvey then tells James that the Mainland is not a place for steam engines anymore and that he once had friends there who were scrapped. James then says that it's the diesels that are to blame, as they've taken over the Mainland, and said that if he had an encounter with a Mainland diesel, he'd show them who's boss. Edward doubts that and James snorts, boasting that he's more resourceful and braver than anyone else. Oliver then tells James he has as much resource as him. Gordon asks James if he's actually stronger than these diesels. James retorts, saying that Gordon couldn't take them on. Gordon calls James foolish and tells him he could handle diesels. James wheeshes steam angrily, and leaves Knapford. Gordon says sometimes he wished James would get kidnapped by diesels, and heads off with the Express. Oliver then headed back to Vicarstown Yard. Rosie greeted him with a cheery smile. Oliver asks her where Toad is. Rosie answers that she told Sidney to swap him with another brakevan, but tells Oliver that Sidney left for Bridlington. And then, did they realise, they were thinking the same thing. Oliver then raced to the Vicarstown Rolling Bridge, then comes to a stop. He has another flashback, where he was in the scrapyard, and he heard a voice. That voice was Douglas, the engine that saved him and Toad. Oliver then thinks about what Douglas did for him, he was going to do that for Toad, and crossed over the Vicarstown Rolling Bridge, onto the Mainland.

Sidney arrives at Bridlington and drops off Toad and the goods train. A few minutes later, Toad had woken up. He wondered where he was and where Oliver was. Then, he came to the conclusion that he was lost on the Mainland, due to the fact that there were an immense number of diesels working in the goods yard. Then, an engine (off-screen) asked Toad if he was lost. We pan back to see the engine who was talking to Toad. The engine's name was Hurricane. Toad tells Hurricane that he's lost and needs to get back to the Island of Sodor. But Hurricane told him the journey to Sodor would be dangerous and offered Toad a place to stay. Toad was reluctant at the beginning, but he accepted Hurricane's offer. They passed by a canal, where a blue gantry crane called Beresford was unloading cargo. Beresford was eager to say hello to Toad and did so. Toad also said hello, but Hurricane told him to ignore Beresford. Reluctantly, Toad kept his mouth shut and on the way they went. Beresford was quite sad, as he didn't have anyone to keep him company. At last, they arrived at the place. It was a large steelworks, which Toad thought was bigger than the one on Sodor. Then, a small green diesel shunter emerged from the darkness and scolded Hurricane for taking so long. Hurricane told the diesel, who's name was Frankie, that he had to take a breakvan here. Frankie saw Toad, and bluntly said that she and Hurricane could get some decent scrap out of him. Toad was frightened at the thought of scrap, based from past experience, and told Frankie he didn't want to be scrapped. Frankie was going to speak, but Hurricane interrupted, claiming that they need a brakevan for their deliveries. Frankie reluctantly agreed to keep Toad. Toad was thankful he didn't have to be scrapped, and so he entered the Steelworks.

Oliver was already on the Mainland and was rushing to find Toad. Then, he spotted Sidney, who was coming back to Sodor. Oliver asked Sidney if he'd seen Toad. Sidney forgot who Toad was and went on back to Sodor. Oliver thought Sidney was no help, and went all the way to Bridlington, passing Spencer, who asked Oliver where he was going, but Oliver didn't answer, he just sped on to Bridlington. When he did arrive at Bridlington, however, he didn't see Toad. Oliver tried asking the diesels at Bridlington, but they didn't know. Oliver then left Bridlington and went to Barrow-in-Furness, which after that station, would be danger to steam engines. When Oliver arrived at Barrow, he didn't see Toad. His driver told him that they should get out of Barrow before something bad happens. Oliver tells his driver that nothing bad would happen, but things did go bad. Diesels started chasing Oliver. Oliver went as fast as he could, that he didn't notice his driver and fireman were knocked off the footplate, and then he saw a flatbed front of him and tried to break as hard as he could, but ended up derailing.


  • Thomas
  • Edward
  • Henry
  • Gordon
  • James
  • Percy
  • Toby
  • Duck
  • Donald and Douglas
  • Oliver
  • Emily
  • Flying Scotsman
  • Merlin
  • Lexi
  • Theo
  • Frankie
  • Hurricane
  • Beresford
  • Rosie
  • Molly
  • BoCo
  • Sidney
  • 'Arry and Bert
  • Class 40
  • Spencer
  • Toad
  • Harold
  • Captain
  • Skiff
  • Winston
  • Samson
  • Bradford
  • Hiro
  • Stephen
  • Glynn
  • Millie
  • Harvey
  • Stepney
  • Mike
  • Rex
  • Bert
  • Connor
  • Sir Topham Hatt
  • Sir Robert Norramby
  • Oliver's Crew
  • The Sodor Search and Rescue Centre Manager
  • The Mainland Diesels (four speak; rest cameos)
  • Peter Sam (not named)
  • Rusty (not named)
  • Captain Joe (does not speak)
  • Skarloey (not named, does not speak)
  • Rheneas (not named, does not speak)
  • Freddie (not named, does not speak)
  • Mighty Mac (not named, does not speak)
  • Stafford (not named, does not speak)
  • Bill and Ben (cameos)
  • Annie and Clarabel (cameos)
  • Henrietta (cameo)
  • Slip Coaches (cameos)
  • Old Slow Coach (cameo)
  • Belle (cameo)
  • Glynn (cameo)
  • Salty (cameo)
  • Porter (cameo)
  • Colin (cameo)
  • Owen (cameo)
  • Merrick (cameo)
  • Marion (cameo)
  • Timothy (cameo)
  • Ryan (cameo)
  • Whiff (cameo)
  • Scruff (cameo)
  • Billy (cameo)
  • Stanley (cameo)
  • Gator (cameo)
  • Diesel (cameo)
  • Mavis (cameo)
  • Daisy (cameo)
  • Paxton (cameo)
  • Dennis (cameo)
  • Norman (cameo)
  • Den (cameo)
  • Dart (cameo)
  • Philip (cameo)
  • Splatter and Dodge (cameos)
  • Reg (cameo)
  • Butch (cameo)
  • Rocky (cameo)
  • Judy and Jerome (cameos)
  • Cranky (cameo)
  • Big Mickey (cameo)
  • Troublesome Trucks (cameos)
  • Troublesome Vans (cameos)
  • Troublesome Tankers (cameos)
  • Slate Trucks (cameos)
  • Trevor (cameo)
  • Lady Hatt (cameo)
  • Dowager Hatt (cameo)
  • Stephen Hatt (cameo)
  • Bridget Hatt (cameo)
  • Dowager Hatt's Friends (cameos)
  • Bridget Hatt's Friends (cameos)
  • Farmer McColl (cameo)
  • Farmer Trotter (cameo)
  • Farmer Finney (cameo)
  • Jem Cole (cameo)
  • Mr. Percival (cameo)
  • Fergus Duncan (cameo)
  • Willie (cameo)
  • The Thin Clergyman (cameo)
  • The Fat Clergyman (cameo)
  • The Duke and Duchess of Boxford (cameos)
  • Albert (cameo)
  • Albert's Wife (cameo)
  • Little Thomas (cameo)
  • The Welsh Bird Watcher (cameo)
  • Bob (cameo)
  • Ted (cameo)
  • Charlie Sand (cameo)
  • Sidney Hever (cameo)
  • The Mayor of Sodor (cameo)
  • The Dock Manager (cameo)
  • Dock Workers (cameos)
  • Steelworks Workers (cameos)
  • Ferdinand (pictured)
  • Murdoch (mentioned)
  • Hank (mentioned)
  • Caitlin (mentioned)
  • Charlie (mentioned)
  • Victor (indirectly mentioned)
  • Kevin (indirectly mentioned)
  • Sir Handel (indirectly mentioned)
  • Duncan (indirectly mentioned)
  • Luke (indirectly mentioned)
  • Duke (indirectly mentioned)
  • Bertram (indirectly mentioned)
  • Ashima (indirectly mentioned)
  • Diesel 10 (indirectly mentioned)
  • Derek (mentioned in newspaper)
  • Franz (mentioned in newspaper)
  • Alicia Botti (mentioned in newspaper)

Characters Introduced[]

  • British Railways Diesels
  • D199
  • Barrow Signalman
  • Angry Scotsmen


  • Island of Sodor
    • Knapford
      • M.C Bunn
      • Sir Topham Hatt's Office
      • Knapford Yard
    • Tidmouth Town Square
    • Tidmouth Sheds
      • Tidmouth Goods Station
      • The Works
    • Brendam Docks
      • Sodor Shipping Company
      • Brendam Warehouse
    • Crovan's Gate
      • Skarloey Railway Sheds
      • Sodor Steamworks (mentioned)
    • Arlesburgh
      • Arlesburgh Harbour
        • Arlesburgh Martime Museum
      • Arlesburgh West
      • Arlesburgh West Shed
    • Blue Mountain Quarry
    • The Wharf
    • Vicarstown
      • Vicarstown Yard
      • Vicarstown Dieselworks
      • Vicarstown Bridge
    • Wellsworth
    • Maron
    • Sodor Ironworks
    • Ffarquhar
      • Ffarquhar Quarry
        • Mavis' Shed
    • Tower Windmill
    • McColl Farm
    • Ulfstead Castle
    • Great Waterton
    • The Fenland Track
    • Bluff's Cove
    • Callan (map only)
      • Callan Castle
    • Maithwaite (map only)
    • Kildane (map only)
    • Ballahoo (map only)
      • Henry's Tunnel
    • Suddery (map only)
      • Coastal Cliffs
    • Kellsthorpe (map only)
    • Kirk Ronan (map only)
    • Arlesdale (map only)
    • Ballahoo (map only)
    • Sodor Castle (map only)
    • Norramby (map only)
    • Toryreck (mentioned in newspaper)
  • The Mainland
    • Scotland
      • Caledonian Railway
    • England
      • Walney Channel
      • Barrow-in-Furness
        • Barrow-in-Furness Junction
      • The First Mainland Station
      • The Second Mainland Station
      • The Mainland Viaduct
      • The Mainland Junction
      • Bridlington Goods Yard
      • The Experimental Engines' Yard
      • The Steelworks
      • The Mainland Canal
      • London
        • Battersea Power Station
        • River Thames
        • Victoria Station
      • Great Western Railway (mentioned)
      • Brighton (mentioned)
      • Crewe (mentioned)
      • Paddington (mentioned)
      • Doncaster (mentioned)
  • Isle of Man
  • India (mentioned)


  • John Hasler as Thomas
  • Joe Mills as Oliver, Toad, Douglas and An Angry Scotsman
    • Ronan Keating as Donald and Douglas's singing voices
  • Keith Wickham as Edward, Henry, Gordon, Harold, Captain, Glynn, Harvey, Bert, Two British Railways Diesels and Sir Topham Hatt
  • Rob Rackstraw as James, Toby, Donald, BoCo, Bradford, D199, An Angry Scotsman and Three British Railways Diesels
  • Nigel Pilkington as Percy
  • Steven Kynman as Duck, Class 40, Oliver's Fireman (uncredited) and Peter Sam
  • Teresa Gallagher as Emily and Molly
  • Rufus Jones as Oliver's Driver (uncredited) and Flying Scotsman
  • Hugh Bonneville as Merlin
  • Lucy Montgomery as Lexi
  • Darren Boyd as Theo
  • Sophie Colquhoun as Frankie
  • Jim Howick as Hurricane
  • Bob Golding as Stepney, Sidney and Stephen
  • Nicola Stapleton as Rosie
  • Kerry Shale as Iron 'Arry and Two British Railways Diesels
  • William Hope as Iron Bert
  • Matt Wilkinson as Spencer, Winston and Rusty
  • Jamie Campbell Bower as Skiff
  • Robert Wilfort as Samson
  • Miranda Raison as Millie
  • Tom Stourton as Rex and One British Railways Diesel
  • Tim Whitnall as Mike
  • Togo Igawa as Hiro
  • Jonathan Forbes as Connor
  • John Schwab as Four Bridlington Diesels
  • Mike Grady as Sir Robert Norramby


  • The Great Western Way (composed by Chris Renshaw)
    • Performers: Steven Kynman and Joe Mills
    • Duration: 1 minute, 38 seconds
  • To The Mainland (composed by Robert Hartshorne)
    • Performers: John Hasler, Keith Wickham, Rob Rackstraw, Nigel Pilkington, Ronan Keating, Teresa Gallagher and Nicola Stapleton
    • Duration: 2 minutes, 45 seconds
  • The Hottest Place in Town (composed by Oliver Davis)
    • Performers: Joe Mills, Sophie Colquhoun and Jim Howick
    • Duration: 2 minutes, 50 seconds
  • Utterly Useless (composed by Robert Hartshorne)
    • Performers: Hugh Bonneville, Darren Boyd and Lucy Montgomery
    • Duration: 3 minutes, 14 seconds
  • I Want to Go Home (composed by Oliver Davis)
    • Performer: Joe Mills
    • Duration: 2 minutes, 37 seconds
  • That's What Friends Are For (composed by Chris Renshaw) (original music composed by Junior Campbell and Mike O'Donnell)
    • Performer: Sam Blewitt, Casey Manierka and Terry Tompkins
    • Duration: 2 minutes, 41 seconds
  • The Island Song (first end credits song) (composed by Chris Renshaw) (original music composed by Junior Campbell and Mike O'Donnell)
    • Performers: Sam Blewitt, Casey Manierka and Terry Tompkins
    • Duration: 3 minutes, 2 seconds
  • The Most Important Thing is Being Friends (instrumental) (non-instrumental in Nickelodeon airings) (first end credits song) (composed by Oliver Davis)
    • Performers (Nickelodeon airings only): John Hasler, Rob Rackstraw, Darren Boyd, Teresa Gallagher, Sophie Colquhoun, Hugh Bonneville, Colin McFarlane, Nigel Pilkington, Lucy Montgomery and Keith Wickham
    • Duration: 1 minute 37 seconds (non-Nickelodeon airings), 1 minute 55 seconds (Nickelodeon airings)


  • Ronan Keating joins the voice cast.
  • This film was made for the 10th anniversary of the 2017/original version of Journey Beyond Sodor.
  • The is the first film since Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure and the original Journey Beyond Sodor where Robert Hartshorne and Oliver Davis are composers respectively, albeit songs only.
  • This special marks the first physical appearance of Scotland.


  • Steven Kynman is not credited for voicing Oliver's Fireman. It is the same with Rufus Jones and Oliver's Driver.